Mitochondrial Disorders
Iron homeostasis
DNA from patients with Friedreich ataxia
Fibroblasts from patients with Freidreich ataxia
Gene therapy
Treatment and prediction of therapeutic responses in patients suffering from Friedreich ataxia
> 200 patients (pediatric and adult)
> 200 patients (pediatric and adult)
NCT04921930 – Evaluation of the Effect of Artesunate in Friedreich Ataxia (FA)
NCT05874388 – Characterisation of the Cognitive Profile of Patients Suffering From Friedreich’s Ataxia
Mitochondrial translation defects
cKO mouse model
Fibroblasts from patients
Synthesis of mitochondrially encoded proteins
> 70 patients with different mitochondrial diseases (pediatric and adult)
mtDNA maintenance defects
Fibroblasts from patients
Gene therapy approaches to treat mitochondrial diseases caused by defects in mitochondrial gene expression
> 60 patients with different mitochondrial diseases (pediatric and adult)
Respiratory chain subunits defects
Fibroblasts from patients
Measurement of mitochondrial respiration (Oroboros technology) Analysis of respiratory chain assembly (BN-PAGE)
> 400 patients with different mitochondrial diseases (pediatric and adult)
Disorders of energy metabolism
Fibroblasts from patients with NBIA
Fibroblasts from patients with NBIA
> 10 patient cohort